About Us

Here at Northwest United Methodist Church, we rejoice in the life-giving, life-changing power of God in Jesus Christ. Many of us are not native to the Peoria area but have found a local “family” here at Northwest. Our greatest strength as a congregation lies in the loving support we give to each other in good times and bad.

Our mission at Northwest:

 We seek to experience and share the love and power of God in and through Jesus Christ

As part of The United Methodist Church, our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Northwest United Methodist Church endeavors to fulfill our mission through worship, prayer, study, fellowship, community outreach, missional giving and service.

We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45 as we worship God through prayer, scripture, a blend of contemporary and traditional music, and a message of hope and promise. Adult Sunday School meets prior to worship at 8:30, and Children’s Church is at 10:00.


Our Heritage

Northwest United Methodist Church is the result of a new church development begun by the then named Central Illinois Annual Conference in 1977. In January of 1978, under the leadership of Pastor Phil Meagher, the church was consecrated as the Peoria Northwest United Methodist Church. Although worshipping in a local store front, the charter members and friends held in common incredible hopes and dreams of a church that would one day impact the community in a huge way.

In 1979, with the help of many other local congregations, construction began on a parcel of recently purchased land alongside State Route 150 in what was then called “rural” Peoria County. In March 1981, Bishop Leroy Hodapp consecrated the church’s new home.

During the 1990’s the congregation undertook its first major building expansion which was intended to increase the number of Sunday School rooms, offices and sanctuary space, all in an attempt to handle the increasing number of families moving into the community. The expansion was completed in 2000 and quickly fulfilled its purposes as the church’s average attendance grew weekly.

Today, the church continues to serve the community and the world faithfully. As the number of ministries increases, the members increase in their witness and a solid focus on missions leads the way. At Northwest UMC there is much evidence that we serve a God who is very able and very faithful. And, the best is yet to come!