From the Pastor

Dear Church Family:

February is the month of love. Valentine’s Day is the focus of the month! Some people are fortunate and find a person that they love and the other person also loves them. Some people are not as fortunate. Often relationships are “What have you done for me lately?” Also love and relationships need to be nurtured. Patience and understanding have to be central! It is tough that often human love becomes very conditional.

Then came God!!

God’s love is unconditional! God’s love transcends our failures and weaknesses! God is patient and kind and understands our less than perfect lives! God will see good in us even when nobody else does. Are you not glad that you have a God whose love knows no end? But just like human love, we need to find ways to nurture God’s love…How?

Spend time with God who loves you. In prayer and worship. In Silence and Bible study. For God so loved YOU that He gave us Jesus!

If you have no relationship with Jesus, right now, February 2025, would be a great time to do so!

In Christ’s Love,
Reverend Ted A. Hartley